For based network connections, if you are enabling jumbo frames in a virtual function VF , jumbo frames must first be enabled in the physical function PF. What is an "X"? Amazon EC2 provides enhanced networking capabilities through the Intel VF interface, which uses the Intel ixgbevf driver. Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser. The link speed must be configured to either 10 Gbps or 1 Gbps to match the link partners speed capabilities. Active direct attach cables are not supported. You can search our catalog of processors, chipsets, kits, SSDs, server products and more in several ways.
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To prepare for enhanced networking using the Intel VF interface, set up your instance as follows:. All information provided is subject to change at any time, without notice. Bus layout will vary by operating system. The parameters for the driver are referenced by position.

Note that 0 is the PF, so the VF identifier is offset by 1. We refer to these processors as boxed processors. Prior to kernel 3. Instead, proceed to this procedure: This command only enables or disables Flow Control if auto-negotiation is disabled. Core i7 Product Number: The browser version you are using is not recommended for this site. The AMI inherits the enhanced networking attribute from the instance.

Linux ixgbe* Base Driver Overview and Installation

If you require a response, contact support. If you lose connectivity while enabling enhanced networking, the ixgbevf module might be incompatible with the kernel. Did you find the information on this site useful? Enables tight control on routing a flow in the platform. Show all Show less. Copyright c Intel Corporation. For questions related to hardware requirements, refer to the documentation supplied with your adapter. Other module types are not supported.

You can check the systemd or udev versions on RPM-based systems with the following command:. Your comments have been sent.

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Refer to Datasheet for formal definitions of product properties and features. The latest ethtool version is required for this functionality. Connect to your instance again and verify that inhel ixgbevf module is installed and at the minimum recommended version using the modinfo ixgbevf command from Testing Whether Enhanced Networking is Enabled.

Compile and install the ixgbevf module on your instance.

To enable enhanced networking instance store—backed instances Follow the previous procedure until the step where you stop the instance. If you have important data on the instance that you want to preserve, you should back that data up now by creating an AMI from your instance. Alternatively, you can use ethtool version 1. The number of VFs that can be allocated depends on the number of traffic classes that can be enabled.

If another instance boots with this file, the operating system will be unable to find the device and eth0 might fail, causing boot issues.
